Monday, January 14, 2008

Grocery Challange - Week #3

I stayed under budget again this week! Woo hoo! We did eat out over the weekend, Pat and I were pretty horrible, because the kids went to Grandma & Grandpa's, so we splurged a bit! But we will certainly get back on track this week!

I did have to buy a few things this week, that I was going to take out of my grocery budget...but I think I will make a seperate category for them in the budget. I think I will do a household category to include; dog food, cat food, cat litter, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, dish soap, etc. So this week on Household misc. I spent $10.98. I'm not sure how much I am going to include per month for this category. I think I will watch my spending this month and see what I spend, but I am thinking about $30/month

As for groceries, here is my meal plan for the week:

Oatmeal (purchased 2 weeks ago - still very full...might get a whole month out of it)

School lunch:
Tuna sandwich, PB crackers or Pretzels & applesauce (from freezer)
Sandwich & corn chips
Us at home:

Chicken Casserole with salad & corn
Brats w/ Green Beans
Biscuits & Gravy
Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
Meatball Subs

Hot Sausage Dip

I spent a total of: $27.88 this week, and I stocked up on sausage that was on sale at Sullivan's for $0.99 per tube. Because I am so far under budget, I think I might go back and get some more since it is on sale. Plus, I do have a list of some things I forgot (butter, syrup & a request for more salad). So, since I am only halfway through my budget...I will probably do some stocking up this week!

Total for January Grocery Challange: $124.32/$200.00

I think I might just succeed on this one, this month!

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