Ok, I think I screwed up my totals for my weeks. My total for groceries should have been $250.00 for the month...and I think I was only tallying $200. It should have been $50 per week and I included the last week in December, since most of it was January!
Breakfasts & Lunches are the same as each week.
Corn Chowder & Grilled Cheese
Steaks & potatoes (our major splurge this week)
Chicken Quesadillas
Biscuits & Gravy
Hamburgers & Fries
Bagel Dogs & Fries
So, I will now tally up my grand total for the month. I'm 99% I went way over my budget, especially after getting the steaks...plus, I stocked up on meat when it went on sale. Sausage went on sale for .99 per pound, so I bought a bunch and pork chops went on sale for 1.67 per pound, which almost never happens here. So I probably blew my budget...but it's less meat I will have to buy next month!
So here is where I stand:
Week #1 ~ $44.14
Week #2 ~ $52.03
Week #3 ~ $27.88
Week #4 ~ $42.57
Week #5 ~ $49.32
Ok, so it would appear that I stayed on budget. With a total of $215.94. However, those don't include our miscellaneous trips to the grocery store or our meat stock up!
So here is the misc stuff:
1/8 ~ 11.92 (jewel)
1/9 ~ 6.84 (jewel)
1/15 ~ 12.96 (Sullivan's - sausage stock up)
1/16 ~ 4.45 (Aldi's)
1/17 ~ 5.54 (jewel)
1/18 ~ 7.58 (jewel)
1/26 ~ 32.86 (jewel - steak dinner & stock up on pork chops)
Misc. Total = $82.15
Grocery total for month of January = $298.09 (overage of $48.09)
Ok, so not horrible with all things considered. This is the first month we have done a severe reduction in our grocery costs. Before we didn't even have a budget, and what i spent for January, I would have spent for 2 weeks of groceries before. So, now, this gives us something to shoot for, for February!
So, again for February, I plan to budget $50 per week. So I have a total of $200 for the month. I am also adding a household category to our budget this month. So for things like TP, hair stuff, dog food, cat food, kitty litter, etc., we will have a seperate household budget for that. I am going to put that at $40.00. Then I am also going to set aside another $50.00 for meat stock up. This way, if meat goes massively on sale, like it did this month...then I don't have to feel bad about going over budget to buy it. I will use my meat budget for it! I am also adding an entertainment section. We have not officially had this in the budget, up til now. I am hoping this will keep our eating out expenses down to a minimum! So officially, we will have some money to spend that we shouldn't feel bad about spending!
So, my categories for this month are:
Groceries: $200.00
Household: $40.00
Meat (sale): $50.00
Entertainment: $100.00
Total for misc spending this month is $390.00.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I can't believe my baby is FOUR!!!

It's hard to believe he's 4! I hear parents say, "I remember the day he was born, and it feels like yesterday", and I silently roll my eyes with everyone else in the room...but it is true. When it's your child, I think you will always remember the day they were born as if it were yesterday (insert eye roll here, if you must).
In his 4 short years, this child has taught me so much...the first and foremost, being patience! He has tried it time and again, teaching me to further my patience each time! But he is also one of the funniest children I have ever met. I honestly think we are going to have some real trouble from him when he gets into grade school. I'll be constantly called to the principals office to talk about my little class clown's behaivor!
We had a wonderful party! Just family, grandparents, and neighbors (who are family to us). We had pizza and cake and he got to open lots of VERY LOUD, very moveable presents...so I thank everyone for that!
He had a wonderful time and that is what is important! Happy Birthday Josh, I still can't believe you are 4!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
50 Fun Frugal Winter Activities for Kids!
Here in the Midwest, we are having an unusually horrible winter this year. It has been ridiculously cold and it just seems to be dragging on and on. So keeping my boys busy this winter has been a challenge. We haven't been able to play outside much, because the temperatures have been so low, so we have had to come up with new ideas for indoor play. We finally decided to compile a list of activities for indoor & outdoor activities for them to choose from. So I thought I would share them here!
Quiet Indoor Activities:
- Read a book! ~ Adults love to curl up with a good book on cold days, and so do kids! Hit the library, grab a stack of new books and hunker down and read for an afternoon!
- Write & illustrate you own book! ~ Kids love to be creative, so let them write their own story and draw pictures! If needed, you can help them write it out!
- Board games ~ These are great activites anytime of year, but especially great in the winter when you can't get outside!
- Play Office ~ Give your kids some old office supplies (old checks or deposit tickets, used paper, pens, pencils and a stapler) and let them set up an office!
- Grow an indoor garden ~ This one is a lot of fun to watch through the winter. Kids can enjoy the *responsibility* of taking care of their own plant!
- Cook something ~ Most kids love to measure and stir, so get them in the kitchen and let them mix up a snack or a batch of cookies!
- Indoor Picnic ~ Kids always get a kick out of the non-traditional things. Pack up some sandwiches & snacks, spread a tablecloth on the floor and have an indoor picnic!
- Math Treats Game ~ Find a great snack (m&m's work great) and have some fun with your child adding & subtracting. It's fun & TASTY!
- Rhyme Time ~ Say a word and have your child find a rhyming word. Kid's love to do this one, even if they are making up words, it will help them learn the concept of rhyming!
- ABC Game ~ Pick a category (like food), start with A, naming a food with each letter of the alphabet and see how far you can get!
- Movie Night ~ Let the kids usher you to your seats, dim the lights and pop popcorn and put in paper lunch sacks. Make it just like a real night at the movies!
Indoor Active Activities:
- Dance Off ~ Put on some music and let the kids take turns dancing. There doesn't have to be a winner, the kids will just have fun dancing!
- Exercise videos ~ Sounds silly, but kids love it! And it is a great way to keep them active and let them burn some energy during the winter...my kids particularly like Tae-Bo!
- What am I? Game ~ Like charades. Have one child act out an animal or object (my kids like to do cars, too) and the others have to guess what he is!
- Scavenger Hunt ~ For older kids, you can write a list of things to find indoors. For non-readers, you can draw or cut pictures from a magazine of items for them to find!
- Build a fort or tent ~ Grab some blankets and pillows and help the kids build a fort. Building it is fun, but kids can play in it for hours after it's built!
- Hot & Cold ~ Everyone leaves the room, while an object is hidden by one player. Try to find it, while the hider tells you when you are hot (close) or cold (far away).
- Hobo Band ~ Make some homemade instruments and start a band! (drums - old coffee can or pots & pans, guitar - kleenex box & rubberbands).
- Indoor Olympics ~ Get creative and come up with some silly games to play in the house. Then stage an olympics. Kids have a lot of fun "competing" in this one!
- Alphabet Eye Spy ~ The person who is *it*, has to choose an object, then says "I spy something that start with A", and the others have to guess what it is!
- Touch a color game ~ Someone shouts out a color, and everyone has to find something to touch that is that color. Last one to find the color, has to call out the next color.
- Alphabet hunt ~ Start with the letter A, each child must search and find something that starts with that letter. See how far you can get! X is tough!
- Play store! ~ Get out that monopoly money and let the kids open a store. They have a lot of fun with this one and also start to learn how money is really spent at a store!
- Block city ~ Get out the blocks or legos and build a city. Kid's don't know which is better...construction or demolition!
- Simon Says ~ An old classic that kid's today still love! It is always fun to change the name too! If a child named *Dan* is it...then change it to "Dan says". They get a kick out of that!
- What time is it Mr. Fox? ~ A good number game. Much like Mother may I, but the kids ask the fox what time it is, and are allowed to take that number of steps towards the fox!
Indoor Science Activities:
- Volcano ~ This one is lots of fun. You just need a jar or small cup, baking soda and vinegar. Place baking soda in cup and add soda. And watch it errupt! You can also add red coloring!
- Wave in a bottle ~ Fill a 2 liter bottle halfway with water colored with blue food coloring and fill the rest with oil. It will make a neat wave machine!
- Tornado bottle ~ You do need a plastic connector for this, but you can find them at most education stores!
- Color experiment ~ Add food coloring to several small glasses of milk. Mix colors to see what happens! Then you can drink your experiment!
Indoor Crafty Activities:
- Snowglobe ~ Make an object from clay, place it in the lid of a jar. Fill jar half with water, half with glycerine. Add blue coloring and glitter, put lid on & you have a great globe!
- TP roll binoculars ~ Lots of fun. Glue or tape 2 tubes together and let kids paint! They have lots of fun making & playing with after they dry!
- Macaroni Necklace ~ Even boys love to paint and make these! Let kids string up left over pasta, then paint it~
- Marble painting ~ Get an old 9 x 13 pan. Place a piece of paper in the bottom. Take marbles and coat in tempera paint, then put in pan & shake!
- Bubble painting ~ Place drops of food coloring in bubble mix. Blow "colored" bubbles onto a paper. When they pop, they leave a neat colored bubble shape on the paper!
- Toe painting ~ Messy, but lots of fun. Basically, it is a twist on finger painting. Try to paint with your toes!
- Potato stamping ~ Have the adult cut potatoes in half and carve shapes into the flat side. Dip into tempera paint and stamp with them! Lots of fun to use!
- Goo ~ Mix corn starch & water to form a liquid/solid goo. Put in 9x13 pan, give kids some kitchen utensils & cups and let them play!
- Homemade playdough ~ Always a classic for kids. Give them kitchen utensils (rolling pin, wooden spoons, etc) and let them play!
- Homemade puzzles ~ Either use photos or kid's drawings, glue to cardboard or cardstock (cereal boxes work), and cut into a puzzle shape!
- Paper mache ~ Kids can pretty much paper mache anything and have a good time! Let them mache and paint once dry and they will enjoy it!
Outdoor Activities:
- Animal Tracks ~ Put out some popcorn the night before. Check in the morning to see what kinds of animals left prints in the snow. Identify them!
- Bird feeding/watching ~ This helps the birds and the kids can enjoy seeing the birds in winter. The kids really enjoy filling the feeder on their own!
- Shovel for a friend ~ Shovel a friend or neighbors walkway. Kid's love to be helpful. They will enjoy this activity and someone else will benefit too!
- Photo tour ~ Kid's love to take photos. If you have a digital camera, hand it over to the kids and take a walk. It's fun to see what they took pictures of when you get home!
Outdoor SnowPlay Activities:
- Snowball fight ~ Always fun to play in the yard. When we play, we choose sides, and even our adult neighbors come out and choose a team to help!
- Snow Fort ~ Grab a bucket (or square tupperware works great!) and fill and make "bricks" to build a snow fort! The more snow, the bigger you can make it!
- Snow coloring ~ Grab a couple of spray bottles and add water with food coloring. Take them out and spray pictures into the snow!
- Snow angels ~ Kid's love laying in the snow...I have no idea why! But they do! So get out there and see who can make the perfect snow angel!
- Snow men ~ With enough snow, you can make a whole snow family! Don't forget the accessories, like old hats & scarves to make it unique!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My boys are sick of oatmeal!
We have had an incredibly busy week this week, so I am a little behind. It's been a few days since I've posted. Monday, the boys and I went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago with my Mom & Dad. The boys had a blast. It was their first visit, and I hadn't been there in at least 15 years and niether had my parents. We got to take in all the exhibits, and even saw the Sea Monsters movie at the Omnimax. The boys were a little hesitant about the movie, and they freaked out just a little...but once it started they calmed down and relaxed and really enjoyed it. I think the farm & space exhibits were their favorites. I don't think I personally had a favorite exhibit, I just enjoyed looking at it all! Alot of the exhibits were closed for maintenance, so the boys didn't get to see the coal mine, and they didn't get to go into the airplane. But since many of the exhibits were closed for repair, general admission to the musuem was FREE! And everyone knows how much SimplyMommy loves to get things free! I was not aware of it, but they have several days each month with free admission, so we will definately be going back this summer. I will have to pay for parking, unless we take public transportation, but I think that would be more expensive in the long run.
Anyhoo, I'm getting way off topic here!
The Hubster and I pledged to plug the holes in our budget in 2008, and save $7000. And January, so far has been a good experience for us. We have been trying to track every dollar (with the exception of allowances...that is our fun money. If we don't get *fun money*, we won't stay on budget). We did pretty well, we were a little lax at the beginning of the month, then tightened up the purse strings towards the end. So I think we are learning through this process. I had a little trouble with my current spread sheet system keeping track of all of our expenditures. I have almost like a ledger system and not an accrual system on my spread sheet. So I put the totals spent for the month in, and cannot track individual expenses. So this month, I will be keeping my main budget on a spreadsheet, to make sure we stay under our "master" numbers. Then I will be adding in an index card system, as well. I will assign each paycheck an index card. At the top, it will have the date and the payment amount. Below that, I will list each individual expenditure that we take out of that particular paycheck. It will also help us get our *extra* money each week into savings. Basically, at the end of the week, what ever is left over will go to savings. That will insure, that our extra money that isn't set to be spent goes into savings...but also money that was budgeted for groceries, for example, that wasn't spent will make it into savings as well.
We sat down last night and looked at January so far, and we did find some spending leaks. We made a four extra trips to the grocery store, for non-essential items. Dh went for essential items but also picked up things like hot chocolate, ice cream & pop. While I agree that we deserve treats on occassion, running to an expensive grocery store (becuase it is close) is not the answer. So we are going to be adding some treats & 2 - liters of pop to our grocery list each week. In the long run, since we are buying them anyways, it will be cheaper, if I just get them on my original grocery trip to Aldi's!
I ran out of flour this week, so my poor boys are getting so sick of oatmeal every morning since! Since I am out of flour (and vow not to make an unscheduled trip to the store), I can't make pancakes or waffles for them. So this morning, my youngest and I experimented with pretty good results! We made oatmeal pancakes, here is the recipe:
Flourless Oatmeal Pancakes:
2 cups ground oatmeal (whir oatmeal in blender for 2 minutes)
1 tbs sugar
2 tsp baking soda
cinamon & nutmeg to taste
1 egg
1 cup of milk
1 tbs oil
Mix the dry ingredients, then add egg, milk & oil. Mix well. Cook on a griddle for 2 minutes per side. Serve with syrup or for a healthier version, serve topped with sugarfree applesauce or sugarfree preserves!
We also went out to eat 4 times this month. And our misc. spending was at $360.00 and we had about $200.00 that we can't account for. Am I peeved? Of course! But this gives us something to strive for next month. Now we have the numbers to come in under. There were things, like household expenses (dog food, cat food, etc.) that came up and I didn't have a specific area in the budget for. So, it had to go into misc. But now I can go through my misc, and see what I need to make new budget categories for.
So, all in all, we are on the right track this month. We are hoping to have our $7000 saved within 16 months. So we will need to put just over $400 away each month and it should be doable. Especially, after the truck is paid off here shortly! So, I have to say, I feel so much better than I have in years. We have been continuously behind on bills for over 2 years now, and in February, for the first time, we will be current on everything! Woo Hoo!
Anyhoo, I'm getting way off topic here!
The Hubster and I pledged to plug the holes in our budget in 2008, and save $7000. And January, so far has been a good experience for us. We have been trying to track every dollar (with the exception of allowances...that is our fun money. If we don't get *fun money*, we won't stay on budget). We did pretty well, we were a little lax at the beginning of the month, then tightened up the purse strings towards the end. So I think we are learning through this process. I had a little trouble with my current spread sheet system keeping track of all of our expenditures. I have almost like a ledger system and not an accrual system on my spread sheet. So I put the totals spent for the month in, and cannot track individual expenses. So this month, I will be keeping my main budget on a spreadsheet, to make sure we stay under our "master" numbers. Then I will be adding in an index card system, as well. I will assign each paycheck an index card. At the top, it will have the date and the payment amount. Below that, I will list each individual expenditure that we take out of that particular paycheck. It will also help us get our *extra* money each week into savings. Basically, at the end of the week, what ever is left over will go to savings. That will insure, that our extra money that isn't set to be spent goes into savings...but also money that was budgeted for groceries, for example, that wasn't spent will make it into savings as well.
We sat down last night and looked at January so far, and we did find some spending leaks. We made a four extra trips to the grocery store, for non-essential items. Dh went for essential items but also picked up things like hot chocolate, ice cream & pop. While I agree that we deserve treats on occassion, running to an expensive grocery store (becuase it is close) is not the answer. So we are going to be adding some treats & 2 - liters of pop to our grocery list each week. In the long run, since we are buying them anyways, it will be cheaper, if I just get them on my original grocery trip to Aldi's!
I ran out of flour this week, so my poor boys are getting so sick of oatmeal every morning since! Since I am out of flour (and vow not to make an unscheduled trip to the store), I can't make pancakes or waffles for them. So this morning, my youngest and I experimented with pretty good results! We made oatmeal pancakes, here is the recipe:
Flourless Oatmeal Pancakes:
2 cups ground oatmeal (whir oatmeal in blender for 2 minutes)
1 tbs sugar
2 tsp baking soda
cinamon & nutmeg to taste
1 egg
1 cup of milk
1 tbs oil
Mix the dry ingredients, then add egg, milk & oil. Mix well. Cook on a griddle for 2 minutes per side. Serve with syrup or for a healthier version, serve topped with sugarfree applesauce or sugarfree preserves!
We also went out to eat 4 times this month. And our misc. spending was at $360.00 and we had about $200.00 that we can't account for. Am I peeved? Of course! But this gives us something to strive for next month. Now we have the numbers to come in under. There were things, like household expenses (dog food, cat food, etc.) that came up and I didn't have a specific area in the budget for. So, it had to go into misc. But now I can go through my misc, and see what I need to make new budget categories for.
So, all in all, we are on the right track this month. We are hoping to have our $7000 saved within 16 months. So we will need to put just over $400 away each month and it should be doable. Especially, after the truck is paid off here shortly! So, I have to say, I feel so much better than I have in years. We have been continuously behind on bills for over 2 years now, and in February, for the first time, we will be current on everything! Woo Hoo!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Homemade Tortillas
The hubby and I made homemade tortillas today for the first time and we had an absolute blast! So, I thought I would share some pics and the recipe here! We are having fiesta chicken tonight, so we'll be eating these with it. I think I am going to have to make another batch, because this first "trial" batch is almost gone already!
Homemade Tortillas:
2 c. flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 c. shortening or veg. oil
1/2 c. warm water
Put flour, salt & baking powder into a bowl. Mix the oil into flour mix until it forms little balls. Add water, a bit at a time, until dough is soft and pliable. Knead and form 8 - 10 balls. Roll out as thin as possible. Cook one at a time in a hot skillet, with melted butter. Flip when a bubble begins to form. Cook each side less than 1 minute!
These are delicious and so yummy! I think they are easily going to become a family favorite!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Grocery Challange - Week #4
Alrighty....I'll have to see how we did this week. I sent the hubby to the store this week since I am without a truck at them moment. I have to say...he impressed me. This was the first time I have ever sent him to the grocery store and he didn't stray from the list. Ok, well...he bought ice cream, but we had talked about it before he left...and we just never "officially" put it on the grocery list!
So here we go:
Household Items:
I've decided to start including TP in this category, since I have added the category to the budget. It just seems like the right place for it to be!
$2.29 ~ TP (should be okay now for 2 weeks)
$5.99 ~ kitchen bags (I wouldn't have bought the giant one...but we won't need them any time soon)
$5.49 ~ Dog food
$1.03 ~ Tax
$14.80 ~ Total
Making the monthly total $24.75
Didn't need to pick anything up this week. We still have plenty around
Eggs & Sausage (since I stocked up when sausage was .99/pound)
waffles &/or pancakes
Same as last week
$3.71 Corn Chowder & Garlic Bread
6 cans of corn (2.34), 1 tube sausage (.99 on sale), onion (.20), 1 cup of milk (.18), chicken broth (free from boiled chicken), garlic bread (free from BOGO last week).
$3.49 BBQ Chicken Sandwiches & Green Beans
Chicken (1/2 of legs & thighs bag 1.75), Homemade BBQ sauce (est. .50), Buns (.75), Green Beans (.49)
$3.90 Fiesta Chicken & Refried Beans
Chicken (other 1/2 of bag 1.75), Diced tomatoes (.45), can of corn (.39), spices (neg.), rice (.33), refried beans (.98)
$2.86 Meatless Chili
4 cans of chili beans (1.56), diced tomatoes (.45), 2 cans tomato sauce (.40)
$1.89 French Onion Soup (for the adults) & Mac-n-Cheese (for the kids)
onions (1.56), broth (free), mac-n-cheese (.33)
$4.08 Homemade Pizza
cheese (2.69), sauce (.40), spices (neg.), sausage (.99 on sale), homemade crust (neg.)
FREE Leftover Night
We also have a birthday this week! My youngest is turning 4...and I can hardly believe it! So we will be having a cake and ice cream, and the total on that is $3.43, but worth it!
So that is basicall it! Total for groceries this week was $42.57. Even with the extra peas & tomato sauce that the Hubster found when he got home. He thinks someone threw them in his cart by accident, so hopefully they won't be missing them when they get home!
Monthly totals are:
Groceries ~ $166.89/$200.00
Household ~ $24.75/no budget til next month
So here we go:
Household Items:
I've decided to start including TP in this category, since I have added the category to the budget. It just seems like the right place for it to be!
$2.29 ~ TP (should be okay now for 2 weeks)
$5.99 ~ kitchen bags (I wouldn't have bought the giant one...but we won't need them any time soon)
$5.49 ~ Dog food
$1.03 ~ Tax
$14.80 ~ Total
Making the monthly total $24.75
Didn't need to pick anything up this week. We still have plenty around
Eggs & Sausage (since I stocked up when sausage was .99/pound)
waffles &/or pancakes
Same as last week
$3.71 Corn Chowder & Garlic Bread
6 cans of corn (2.34), 1 tube sausage (.99 on sale), onion (.20), 1 cup of milk (.18), chicken broth (free from boiled chicken), garlic bread (free from BOGO last week).
$3.49 BBQ Chicken Sandwiches & Green Beans
Chicken (1/2 of legs & thighs bag 1.75), Homemade BBQ sauce (est. .50), Buns (.75), Green Beans (.49)
$3.90 Fiesta Chicken & Refried Beans
Chicken (other 1/2 of bag 1.75), Diced tomatoes (.45), can of corn (.39), spices (neg.), rice (.33), refried beans (.98)
$2.86 Meatless Chili
4 cans of chili beans (1.56), diced tomatoes (.45), 2 cans tomato sauce (.40)
$1.89 French Onion Soup (for the adults) & Mac-n-Cheese (for the kids)
onions (1.56), broth (free), mac-n-cheese (.33)
$4.08 Homemade Pizza
cheese (2.69), sauce (.40), spices (neg.), sausage (.99 on sale), homemade crust (neg.)
FREE Leftover Night
We also have a birthday this week! My youngest is turning 4...and I can hardly believe it! So we will be having a cake and ice cream, and the total on that is $3.43, but worth it!
So that is basicall it! Total for groceries this week was $42.57. Even with the extra peas & tomato sauce that the Hubster found when he got home. He thinks someone threw them in his cart by accident, so hopefully they won't be missing them when they get home!
Monthly totals are:
Groceries ~ $166.89/$200.00
Household ~ $24.75/no budget til next month
Saving money this weekend....
I woke up to a tempurature of -5 at 7:30 this morning...and it hasn't gotten much warmer! So, we are staying in this weekend. I sent Pat to the grocery store, so that will be taken care of, and other than that...we will be staying in until at least Tuesday, when my oldest goes back to school. And hopefully, it will be warmed up by then!
Sooooooo cold....I can't wait for Spring!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Day #8 ~ Smoke Free
Well, I am doing it! I am eight days smoke free and for the most part, not missing it anymore! Every once in awhile, I get hit out of the blue with a craving, but they are totally manageable! I have gained a few pounds, but I am working to keep them down...just need to work out every day!
So far, I have saved myself $38.40! (figure smokes are about $4.80/pack)
So far, I have saved myself $38.40! (figure smokes are about $4.80/pack)
Grocery Challange - Week #3
I stayed under budget again this week! Woo hoo! We did eat out over the weekend, Pat and I were pretty horrible, because the kids went to Grandma & Grandpa's, so we splurged a bit! But we will certainly get back on track this week!
I did have to buy a few things this week, that I was going to take out of my grocery budget...but I think I will make a seperate category for them in the budget. I think I will do a household category to include; dog food, cat food, cat litter, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, dish soap, etc. So this week on Household misc. I spent $10.98. I'm not sure how much I am going to include per month for this category. I think I will watch my spending this month and see what I spend, but I am thinking about $30/month
As for groceries, here is my meal plan for the week:
Oatmeal (purchased 2 weeks ago - still very full...might get a whole month out of it)
School lunch:
Tuna sandwich, PB crackers or Pretzels & applesauce (from freezer)
Sandwich & corn chips
Us at home:
Chicken Casserole with salad & corn
Brats w/ Green Beans
Biscuits & Gravy
Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
Meatball Subs
Hot Sausage Dip
I spent a total of: $27.88 this week, and I stocked up on sausage that was on sale at Sullivan's for $0.99 per tube. Because I am so far under budget, I think I might go back and get some more since it is on sale. Plus, I do have a list of some things I forgot (butter, syrup & a request for more salad). So, since I am only halfway through my budget...I will probably do some stocking up this week!
Total for January Grocery Challange: $124.32/$200.00
I think I might just succeed on this one, this month!
I did have to buy a few things this week, that I was going to take out of my grocery budget...but I think I will make a seperate category for them in the budget. I think I will do a household category to include; dog food, cat food, cat litter, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, dish soap, etc. So this week on Household misc. I spent $10.98. I'm not sure how much I am going to include per month for this category. I think I will watch my spending this month and see what I spend, but I am thinking about $30/month
As for groceries, here is my meal plan for the week:
Oatmeal (purchased 2 weeks ago - still very full...might get a whole month out of it)
School lunch:
Tuna sandwich, PB crackers or Pretzels & applesauce (from freezer)
Sandwich & corn chips
Us at home:
Chicken Casserole with salad & corn
Brats w/ Green Beans
Biscuits & Gravy
Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
Meatball Subs
Hot Sausage Dip
I spent a total of: $27.88 this week, and I stocked up on sausage that was on sale at Sullivan's for $0.99 per tube. Because I am so far under budget, I think I might go back and get some more since it is on sale. Plus, I do have a list of some things I forgot (butter, syrup & a request for more salad). So, since I am only halfway through my budget...I will probably do some stocking up this week!
Total for January Grocery Challange: $124.32/$200.00
I think I might just succeed on this one, this month!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Day #3 - Smoke Free
Well, I think I've made it over the worst of it...I think! Last night, hubby had had a bad day, so he wanted to have a few drinks. So he went out and got some bloody mary stuff. I've never tried them, so I told him I would try it. It was actually pretty good, but the mix he got was way to spicy. But I do think I could drink them, if they were made with regular V8. Anyhoo, I'm getting way off topic here already! I think he didn't want to drink alone, so he was talking me into having screwdriver (which I had about 3 sips of becuase the OJ was sour). Anyhoo, still off topic. I didn't want to drink this soon after quitting smoking, becuase I know I will have a really hard time drinking and not smoking, becuase to me they go hand in hand!
But I did it! I opened the garage door to go out to the man cave, to smoke....but turned around, shut the door and left hubby outside smoking alone! I am so proud of myself! If i was able to turn down a cigarette when it was right there in front of me, tempting me...I think I will really be able to kick this habit. While I was considering smoking, I just kept thinking to myself, that I have already conquered 2 days of not smoking, and dealing with the withdrawls. If I smoke now, those 2 days were for nothing, and I have to start all over with the withdrawal symptoms, and I didnt' want to do that.
I have to say that I am already feeling much better! I have waaaaay more energy during the day and my face is actually looking healthier. I no longer have the dark circles under my eyes, the changes are amazing after only 48 hours. When you are smoking, you know it is bad for you...but I don't think you realize just how actually poisonous it is until you quit and see what it was doing to your body!
I, of course, still have some nasty stuff going on. I keep coughing up junk out of my lungs. As annoying as it is, it is good for me. It is getting all the junk out of my lungs, and that can only be good. I am having trouble sleeping still. I can sleep for about an hour, then I wake up...so it is off and on all night long. I actually did get a couple of solid hours last night which was so nice! So maybe tonight, I'll be able to sleep better...I need to kick the afternoon java, that might help too!
I have gained a few pounds so far (all in the first day), but I think that it was becuase I was being careless and wasn't watching what I ate. I wasn't really prepared to quit smoking, I had no gum and no game plan...I just decided to do it...which so far is working out for me. But now, I am armed with gum and my weight isn't going back up! I plan on jumping on the elliptical today, so hopefully that will help! I've also noticed in the 2 days since quitting...I've been more...well, um, regular....so to speak. I've never been regular in my life, but the last 2 days has been like clockwork, so it will be interesting to see what this does for my digestive system. It actually seems to be working better now that I've kicked the butts. But we'll see! I definately think I might try to take up jogging, once I can breath a bit better! It'll help me keep the weight off and get down to my goal weight and stay smoke free!
But I did it! I opened the garage door to go out to the man cave, to smoke....but turned around, shut the door and left hubby outside smoking alone! I am so proud of myself! If i was able to turn down a cigarette when it was right there in front of me, tempting me...I think I will really be able to kick this habit. While I was considering smoking, I just kept thinking to myself, that I have already conquered 2 days of not smoking, and dealing with the withdrawls. If I smoke now, those 2 days were for nothing, and I have to start all over with the withdrawal symptoms, and I didnt' want to do that.
I have to say that I am already feeling much better! I have waaaaay more energy during the day and my face is actually looking healthier. I no longer have the dark circles under my eyes, the changes are amazing after only 48 hours. When you are smoking, you know it is bad for you...but I don't think you realize just how actually poisonous it is until you quit and see what it was doing to your body!
I, of course, still have some nasty stuff going on. I keep coughing up junk out of my lungs. As annoying as it is, it is good for me. It is getting all the junk out of my lungs, and that can only be good. I am having trouble sleeping still. I can sleep for about an hour, then I wake up...so it is off and on all night long. I actually did get a couple of solid hours last night which was so nice! So maybe tonight, I'll be able to sleep better...I need to kick the afternoon java, that might help too!
I have gained a few pounds so far (all in the first day), but I think that it was becuase I was being careless and wasn't watching what I ate. I wasn't really prepared to quit smoking, I had no gum and no game plan...I just decided to do it...which so far is working out for me. But now, I am armed with gum and my weight isn't going back up! I plan on jumping on the elliptical today, so hopefully that will help! I've also noticed in the 2 days since quitting...I've been more...well, um, regular....so to speak. I've never been regular in my life, but the last 2 days has been like clockwork, so it will be interesting to see what this does for my digestive system. It actually seems to be working better now that I've kicked the butts. But we'll see! I definately think I might try to take up jogging, once I can breath a bit better! It'll help me keep the weight off and get down to my goal weight and stay smoke free!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Misc. & Grocery Challange - Week #2
So far so good! We are still on budget. We did slip up and we went out to dinner twice this last weekend. We spend $90 on eating out!!!! It was a real eye opener for me, at least. Now, after watching how much we spend on groceries vs. how much it costs to eat out, I will definately be thinking twice about it!
Luckily, my winter blahs seem to have dissapeared! It has been in the 60's for the past 3 days, so that certainly cleared away the blahs for me! We were able to get out and do some outside activities on Sunday, I finally got my truck cleaned out, and we were able to take a walk yesterday! So, I think I will be able to make it through the rest of the winter, after this little reminder that spring will be here before I know it!
Aha! I almost forgot! I also quit smoking! Yes, you read that right. I am on Day #2 of quitting cold turkey, and actually...it hasn't been too bad. I've been able to keep my mood swings from driving everyone crazy. My mood gets a little short, once in a while...but last night with hubby and the kids, I just gave them a nice warning that I was about to blow, and they kind of knew to back off. Hubby is trying to quit too, but he always has a harder time. I know how hard it is firsthand, but whenever we try to quit together, I always get the impression that he is lying through his teeth to make me happy and never really has the intention to try to quit. Does that make sense? Like he really doesn't have the motivation at all.
Anyhoo, on to my January Grocery Challange! I still have not set foot in Wal-Mart, which is a huge part of my goal! This week I spent $52.30 on groceries. I went over a bit, but since I was under last week, I will overlook it! I have a total off $200 for the month...so right now, I am where I should be, actually a bit under! $96.44/$200
Jake's lunch each day: $.054
Tuna Sandwich
Granola Bar
Cheese Puffs
Water/Milk (add .09)
Pat Lunch each day: $.044
Ham Sandwich
Corn chips
I think I am just going to break down the dinners, so here they are:
$2.37 ~ Chicken Casserole (with cheese)
$5.92 ~ Meatless Chili Frito Pie (with cheese, sour cream & corn chips)
$2.18 ~ Goulash with Green Beans
$2.30 ~ Spaghetti with Homemade Garlic Bread
$1.43 ~ Hamburger Casserole w/ Veggie
$1.36 ~ Tator Tot Casserole w/ veggie
$3.18 ~ Eggs & Hash
So there it is. Breaking it down seems to be helping me stick to everything a bit better. I knew the frito pie would be expensive, but I didn't realize how much more expensive it would be than regular chili (check out last weeks menu for regular chili cost). I am so amazed at how little our meals are costing! I just need to stop taking hubby to the store...he is the one that talks me into the extras (like frito pie instead of chili)!
Luckily, my winter blahs seem to have dissapeared! It has been in the 60's for the past 3 days, so that certainly cleared away the blahs for me! We were able to get out and do some outside activities on Sunday, I finally got my truck cleaned out, and we were able to take a walk yesterday! So, I think I will be able to make it through the rest of the winter, after this little reminder that spring will be here before I know it!
Aha! I almost forgot! I also quit smoking! Yes, you read that right. I am on Day #2 of quitting cold turkey, and actually...it hasn't been too bad. I've been able to keep my mood swings from driving everyone crazy. My mood gets a little short, once in a while...but last night with hubby and the kids, I just gave them a nice warning that I was about to blow, and they kind of knew to back off. Hubby is trying to quit too, but he always has a harder time. I know how hard it is firsthand, but whenever we try to quit together, I always get the impression that he is lying through his teeth to make me happy and never really has the intention to try to quit. Does that make sense? Like he really doesn't have the motivation at all.
Anyhoo, on to my January Grocery Challange! I still have not set foot in Wal-Mart, which is a huge part of my goal! This week I spent $52.30 on groceries. I went over a bit, but since I was under last week, I will overlook it! I have a total off $200 for the month...so right now, I am where I should be, actually a bit under! $96.44/$200
Jake's lunch each day: $.054
Tuna Sandwich
Granola Bar
Cheese Puffs
Water/Milk (add .09)
Pat Lunch each day: $.044
Ham Sandwich
Corn chips
I think I am just going to break down the dinners, so here they are:
$2.37 ~ Chicken Casserole (with cheese)
$5.92 ~ Meatless Chili Frito Pie (with cheese, sour cream & corn chips)
$2.18 ~ Goulash with Green Beans
$2.30 ~ Spaghetti with Homemade Garlic Bread
$1.43 ~ Hamburger Casserole w/ Veggie
$1.36 ~ Tator Tot Casserole w/ veggie
$3.18 ~ Eggs & Hash
So there it is. Breaking it down seems to be helping me stick to everything a bit better. I knew the frito pie would be expensive, but I didn't realize how much more expensive it would be than regular chili (check out last weeks menu for regular chili cost). I am so amazed at how little our meals are costing! I just need to stop taking hubby to the store...he is the one that talks me into the extras (like frito pie instead of chili)!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Need motivation to beat the winter blahs...
I swear, I must definately come down with the winter blahs. Not at all depression-like, becuase I am happy and content. But I haven't left the house in at least a week. Today, I really need to run some errands, post office, groceries, bank, etc. And I just can't get motivated to get out of the house. It is just so cold and yucky outside, I just don't want to go anywhere! It might also be that I have had 2 kids home instead of 1 being in school, and where ever I go, I know I will have to take both of them, which just doubles the headaches!
I need to find some motivation to just get out of the house! It isn't really even laziness. I got up and showered, and basically, I could get my coat on and walk out of the house right now...I just don't want to! It is driving me crazy...I guess I am just going to have to buckle down and get everyone bundled up and go. Putting it off just isn't going to help anyone! We need groceries for dinner tonight!
On the plus side, my New Year's Plan is shaping up nicely. I have not spent ANY money other than groceries since the first of the year and my cleaning plan is working out. I set up different cleaning tasks for each day, to break it up, so it doesn't seem so daunting and it seems to be working. Today, I cleaned the bathroom & laundry rooms, and menu planned for the week! Things that totally would not have gotten done if I hadn't had a list made up to do them! So kudos to me for that!
I need to find some motivation to just get out of the house! It isn't really even laziness. I got up and showered, and basically, I could get my coat on and walk out of the house right now...I just don't want to! It is driving me crazy...I guess I am just going to have to buckle down and get everyone bundled up and go. Putting it off just isn't going to help anyone! We need groceries for dinner tonight!
On the plus side, my New Year's Plan is shaping up nicely. I have not spent ANY money other than groceries since the first of the year and my cleaning plan is working out. I set up different cleaning tasks for each day, to break it up, so it doesn't seem so daunting and it seems to be working. Today, I cleaned the bathroom & laundry rooms, and menu planned for the week! Things that totally would not have gotten done if I hadn't had a list made up to do them! So kudos to me for that!
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