Monday, September 17, 2007

Keeping the old - passing up the new

I am working very hard at making the things that I own last. The hardest part of all of this, is getting hubby to do the same. Our lawn mower broke down this weekend, and without ever even cracking it open to see if he can repair it, he put it on the parkway. Well, guess what...someone else picked it up to repair it.

So, now we have to purchase a new lawn mower before next season. And in all this I learned a valuable lesson. Maintenance on the things that we have, is the most important money saving thing I can do! If I had put some energy into keeping it well maintained, it would probably still be running.

I am also dying to purchase some other new items around the house, but I am trying to overcome these urges! With our anniversary being last weekend, I was realizing that many of our things have lasted 7 years, silverware, towels, etc. I haven't bought any of these things since our wedding. I also realized that I am down to having less than 1/2 the original set of silverware and my towels are totally nasty! I need to keep reminding myself that these things still have life left in them even if they are nasty!

I have been doing a wonderful job at keeping out of the stores, for the most part! I did sneak the boys and I out for breakfast on Saturday morning, but I thought we needed a treat! I also have been staying away from garage sales, although, now would be a good time to hit some and see if I can't find a new lawn mower.

We also had a neighbor bring over some clothes for the boys today, which was super nice of her. We were chatting about needing and getting rid of clothes. I made mention that I needed to sort through the boys stuff and see what they needed for winter. So, she brought over the winter stuff that her son had outgrown! She also brought over some fun stuff for us to borrow for Josh to play with. Dot paints and chalk. We have been having a great time with them today.

So I am working on changing my wants vs. needs still. I don't think I will totally ever get over the joy of buying new things for the house. I will always enjoy making our house a home, but I think I get a bigger thrill out of saving our money!

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