Friday, December 28, 2007
Breaking down my grocery budget...
$0.30 Oatmeal (3 days for 2 people)
$0.20 Cinamon Toast (2 days, 2 slices each for 2 people)
$0.82 Pancakes (double batch for 4 people)
$1.95 Egg & Sausage skillet (8 eggs & 1/2 pkg tube sausage
$3.27 Total for Breakfast for 1 week
Pat's Lunches:
$1.28 8 Salami Sandwiches (day off for New Year's)
$0.72 PB&J Sandwiches (9 sandwiches, 1 each for 3 days)
$1.54 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches (11 sandwiches)
$0.00 One day of dinner leftovers!
$3.54 Total for Lunches for 1 week
$2.65 Meatless Chili
$2.19 Chicken Noodles soup with homemade noodles
$1.92 Fake Chicken Pot Pie (made with biscuits...not pie crust)
$1.92 Chicken and Dumplings
$1.64 Potato Pancakes with Chicken gravy & green beans
$1.56 Homemade Bagel Dogs with Baked Fries
$4.96 Make your own pizza night (sausage)
$16.84 Total for Dinners for 1 week
$2.49 Applesauce (homemade 8+ cups)
$4.00 Popcorn (4 bags...normally it wouldn't be this pricey...but I'm still using up the Boyscout popcorn that my son had to sell)
Muffins & cornbread, which total about a quarter per batch.
So, there is my grocery budget. We splurged on a few very minor things. We bought two 2 liters of pop at $.055 each. But that was about it.
I'm going to try to continue to break down my costs, so I can see what is expensive and what isn't. Until I did this, I didn't realize how expensive the "make your own pizza night" really is. But, I'll look at it this way...the kids absolutely love making their own pizza's and it is SO MUCH CHEAPER than ordering pizza and having it delivered!
Trying to save to no avail....
I am ready to tear my hair out with this whole thing! I guess I will have to bite the bullet and go to the bank today and see if they will give me a printout of my account. More than likely, they will charge me out the wazoo, just for printing out a piece of paper. But at this point, I don't think I have any other options. It might be time for Hubby to get rid of his Debit card again. His spending is somewhat out of control with it. He is getting his allowance, then on top of that, he is spending an addition $200/month with his card. Granted, some of that is family stuff...eating out, shopping, etc. But most of it is his use while he is at work. We are gonna have to sit down and rebudget tonight and work something out.
But first, I need to get this damn checking account under control! I've never made a mistake like this in the 15 years I have used a checking account, so it is driving me absolutely bonkers!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas at Simply Mommy's

I have been so busy getting ready for Christmas that I haven't blogged in almost a month and didn't even realize it!
We had a very nice Christmas this year. I did my best to make sure that we weren't going to be running around to a million different places. We were supposed to have a quiet Christmas dinner with friends, but Hubby (of course) went and made other plans for us. So I had to cancel dinner with friends last week, but it worked out becuase they came over early and we had a nice Christmas breakfast all together!
My oldest son has been stricken with the flu. So he was sick throughout Christmas Eve and Christmas day, but he was a trooper! I was going to stay home with him, but he insisted on going, which was a good thing, becuase it shortened our trip to the in-laws! ; ) At one point he was so tired, he was laying on the couch opening presents under a blanket...I felt so bad for him. He had a temp of almost 103, most of the weekend, but he did great. And knock on wood...I think it is starting to break now!
Of course, our family went totally overboard on gifts, so I now have a ton of stuff that I have to get rid of in order to make room for the new. The kid's had a great Christmas, they each got the top thing on their list from Santa, then a few smaller things that they love. So, all in all we had a great Christmas. Santa filled their stockings with homemade Christmas crackers, and homemade coupon books along with lots of Candy...I was surpised how much they loved the coupons which entitle them to things like picking their favorite dinner, picking dessert one night, picking a movie and having movie night, getting a footrub, etc.
Today, I am trying to find places for everything and trying to recoup from the hectic holidays an being up most nights with sick kids. So I think we will start out our New Year with quiet evening at home! Maybe we will spend the night watching the movies we got for Christmas! On the up side...I threw my diet out the window for about a week, but I only gained 2 pounds...and I made sure I unloaded all the cookies we baked on relatives, so no more in the house!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Frugality at it's finest...
So my pledge to myself this month, is to keep the thermostat between 66-68 degrees, going down to 60 degrees at night. I am fighting with everyone about keeping lights off when we are not in a room. That seems to be really tough. It seems like I am the only one doing this, but I'm working on it. Until I can get them "trained" to turn off the lights, I will just have to keep making the rounds and switching off lights.
I am trying to cut our grocery bill by ALOT this month. Because we need to get caught up on so much stuff, I have very little money for groceries. So I have a budget of $200 for groceries for the entire month. That includes all three meals a day for the four of us, any cat/dog food and all beauty accessories, TP, soap, etc. So it is gonna be tight, but I think I can do it. I will be keeping a running talley in the comments section of this entry!
Wish me luck. I really think we can do it, we just need to crack down. It is just going to be hard with Christmas coming up, but luckily...most of the shopping is done!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Slow and Steady, wins the race...
I've been doing my best to spend at least 20 minutes on my Gazelle each day, and trying not to eat too much junk food! I haven't even changed my eating habits that much, and with the added exercise, the weight is still coming off. I will need to work on changing my eating habits in order to stay slim, but I am doing that little by little. Making small changes here and there. If I jump whole hog into eating healthy, then I know I will fall back into my old habits and binge on junk food when I cheat, and I don't want to do that.
I have about 16 pounds to go. Of course, I took some "fat" before pictures and when I hit my goal weight I plan to post the before & after pictures for the world to see. Well, only if I look really good in the after pictures! : )
Other updates:
Our family is doing well. Our budget took a huge hit, so we are on a spending freeze. We are literally not buying any extra's whatsoever. Even as far as groceries go, I'm going to spend the smallest amount of money I can, and only once the food we have in the house runs out. We will be eating strange meals, as I try to make meals out of the combinations of things we have in the house!
My brother & his fiance had a huge loss this week. One of their close friends ( and she was to be a bridesmaid in their upcoming wedding), was killed in the Omaha Mall shooting on Tuesday. I know they are devestated. I can't even imagine dealing with having a friend murdered, let alone the fact that this was such a henious thing to have happen. She was 24, and only a few weeks from her 25th birthday. My heart goes out to her family
The boys are doing well. Nothin too new to report. We are being homebodies lately. We have about 8 inches of snow on the ground and it has gotten really cold. Single digits at night and only in the 20's during the day. So we have been doing our best to stay home and stay bundled up. I am trying to keep the heat down to about 66, becuase I know this winter the gas bill is going to totally kill our budget. So, I have been wresting with the boys to keep their clothes on. The minute they get home, the like to take shirts & socks off and just run around in their pants. It has driven me crazy forever and now with the heat down so far, I think I've solved the problem. For the most part, they are staying dressed. ; ) Same goes for bedtime. They have always hated wearing jammies (they prefer to just wear underroos), but they are finally wearing jammies at night to help stay warm.
Saturday night we had a huge ice storm come through, to start off all the snow. I don't remember the last time I have seen so much ice. It had covered everything! It was beautiful, until the ice took out the power to the entire neighborhood! But, we actually had a good time in the dark. Since I am a collector of candles, I had a ton on hand. We lit candles and just hung around and sand Christmas carols. It was actually quiet fun!
Well, I think that is about all that has been going on lately!